Misson News

Please keep Caroline and the other members of the team going to Kiwoko Hospital in Uganda in July in your prayers as they get to know each other and make their plans.

Kiwoko Hospital recently posted this on facebook, ‘Our electricity bill is £3300 ($4200) per month. Imagine Kiwoko Hospital becoming the first Solar Powered Hospital in Uganda…It might happen…Stay tuned!’

We pray this can be a reality some day.

Alison and Paul Guinness our now in Burundi with their little son Jeremy.  They are settling in amazingly well even Jeremy, they feel very at home.  Paul continues with his studies part time as he has 3 essays and the dissertation still to go. Alison is figuring out how to juggle looking after Jeremy with other work but as it is very hot he is sleeping more during the day.  They have agreed to use their first three months to do a survey of the interest, opportunities, and challenges of the church in Burundi being involved in Mission.  Please pray that African mission agencies can come together for this work.

Josh writes,

the dust is settling and our new flat is taking shape.  Noah is particularly enjoying having a garden and he and YeYing are just heading out now to sow some grass seed. Hopefully we can have a place that is setup to serve our desire to minister to some of the families in the congregation.

We’ve also started to get to know our new neighbours – please be praying for a guy called Light and his daughter who live across the street that we could have further opportunities to speak of Jesus.

We’re one week into a four week series on “Understanding and Teaching the OT”, do pray that it goes well and ignites a genuine love for Christ as he’s presented in his word.

Also do pray for Noah as he adjusts to going to Kindergarten – it’s unsurprisingly a big change for him. Pray that even at this age and in this situation it would be helping him to learn to trust Jesus in the hard times.

Thanks for your prayers!  They are really appreciated,
