Misson News


We have had little news regarding Paul and Tania except to say they will be home on leave some time in August so we will hope they will pay us a visit. Meanwhile do continue to remember them in your prayers. Pray for Paul in his work and also for the men’s Bible Class and for Tania with her responsibility for the Fashion School and looking after the guest house and their joint responsibility for Lana. Please also pray they will be granted a long term passport for Lana allowing them to bring her out and in from Uganda.

Alison and Paul Guinness are continuing with their studies at All Nations and ask for our prayers and also for peace in Burundi as life is very difficult there at the moment. A lot of rain has destroyed crops and property.

Please also remember in prayer CMS Annual Meeting on Saturday 16th April.


Hi all some recent news from Josh, YeYing and Noah from Beijing.
This week has marked the beginning of the new semester and we’ve been thankful for:

Monday – Hebrew teaching has started and we’re studying Jonah 1 this semester (about 1 verse per week). It’s great to be able to combine language with teaching Bible truths. Do be praying that the children will be excited by reading scripture and that the pace will work for them.
Wednesday – Our InFOCUS Bible study is back to normal operations with 4 fullish groups (2 English groups and a Chinese group for believers, one Simple English group for seekers). Now that the work feels more established our focus is to train up more leaders.

Thursday – An encouraging evening visiting one group. I was reminded of the restrictions people operate under (the security guard at the bottom of the building only allowed me to be with them for 30 minutes) but encouraged by seeing a group of Christians faithfully meet together and encourage each other.

Coming up – do pray for:
saturday – our Small Group leaders training.
Sunday – Small Group fair – a chance for all the new students to sign up to and join existing groups.

As well as the usual:
Monday – Hebrew
Tuesday – Tuesday Training
Wednesday – InFOCUS

Do also pray for:
– an older couple we know who live in the country. She professed faith and is wanting to be baptised. We’d love to see her linked to a church, but there isn’t one nearby.
– a Christian family we’re close friends with who have found themselves homeless and needing to keep a low profile. They’re staying with us at the moment
– Our Bible reading. We’ve gotten rather poor at personal quiet times, and are trying to take steps to change that

Thanks for all your prayers! Josh